In Case You Missed It! June 2024

This month’s newsletter highlights a selection of recently published peer-reviewed articles that piqued our interest related to:

Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)Conservative Care

We hope you find these recent findings useful and of value in your day-to-day practice.

PD Recent Findings

Factors influencing renal replacement therapy modality choice from the nephrologist’s perspective

In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews with 29 nephrologists were conducted. Using Charmaz’ constructive approach to grounded theory, four themes were identified:

Trust and belief in PD as a technique; own expertise, knowledge and team; in behavior of patient, family practitioner
Feeling of control paternalism; insecurity; prejudice
Vision of care and approach shared decision making; troubleshooting attitude; flexibility and creativity; complacency
Organizational issues pre-dialysis; access; financial; and assisted PD

Quotes from respondents have been included in the study to illustrate how these themes were identified and prioritized, which showed there are more intrinsic factors impacting the uptake of home dialysis, compared to the usually reported factors of late referrals, pre-nephrology care, etc.

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Special PD Edition:
In Case You Missed It!
May 2024

This month’s newsletter highlights a selection of recently published peer-reviewed articles featuring peritoneal dialysis (PD).

Peritoneal Dialysis Recent Findings

Assisted peritoneal dialysis: Position paper for the ISPD

Physical, cognitive, and behavioral disabilities are common barriers to self-care PD. Authors highlight situations when assisted PD could help overcome these barriers and expand PD therapy availability to individuals not deemed suitable otherwise. The authors propose a new systematized approach to assisted PD by way of alternative funding models, patient indications, operational models, and payment justifications.

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In Case You Missed It! April 2024

This month’s newsletter highlights a selection of recently published peer-reviewed articles that piqued our interest, grouped by their most relative modality:

Home Hemodialysis (HHD)Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)

We hope you find these recent findings useful and of value in your day-to-day practice.

Home Hemodialysis Recent Findings

Patient Training and Patient Safety in Home Hemodialysis

The authors review the epidemiologic data characterizing the safety of home hemodialysis (HHD) as compared with conventional in-center hemodialysis and how patient training affects safety, while emphasizing the surprising lack of literature surrounding these topics.

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In Case You Missed It! March 2024

This newsletter highlights a selection of recently published peer-reviewed articles that piqued our interest, grouped by their most relative modality.

We hope you find these recent findings useful and of value in your day-to-day practice.

Home Hemodialysis (HHD) Recent Findings

Patient Survival with Extended Home Hemodialysis Compared to In-Center Conventional Hemodialysis

Patient survival, technique survival, hospitalization, and clinical, laboratory, and medication changes were retrospectively analyzed in 349 HHD patients treated with longer session duration, most on nocturnal, were compared to 1,047 concurrent, propensity-score matched in-center hemodialysis patients, using 47 variables with a long-term follow-up.

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In Case You Missed It! February 2024

This newsletter highlights a selection of recently published peer-reviewed articles that piqued our interest, grouped by their most relative modality.

We hope you find these recent findings useful and of value in your day-to-day practice.

Home Hemodialysis Recent Findings

Vancomycin and daptomycin dosing recommendations in patients receiving home hemodialysis using Monte Carlo simulation

Therapeutic vancomycin and daptomycin levels were analyzed in 5,000 simulated home hemodialysis (HHD) patients.  Initial vancomycin and daptomycin doses were defined for 10 common HHD treatment regimens based on HHD treatment duration, days per week, and dialysate volume.

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